Reconditioning phones for mission

Photo by Obi - @pixel8propix on Unsplash

New life from old phones

Ninety percent of the people we train don't have access to a Bible
Seventy percent of the people we train don't have a Smartphone

We've created Discover App and the Light Bible to help end scripture poverty. One person with a smart phone can run multiple Discovery Groups. They can share Bible audio files via WhatsApp and Bluetooth with others - even to non-smart phones. Every single device can make a difference.

Donate Phone

Why not consider sending us your old phone today?

Please also consider making a thirty pound donation which will help us pay for portable solar panels to help keep the phone charged?

What kind of phones can you use?

Any working Android phone running Android 4 (or later) or iPhone (6 or later) is useful. Small cracks or defects are not a problem, but if the screen is completely shattered we may need to replace it - if you are able to do this for us, even better.

What do I need to do?

What will we do with it?

All useable devices will have the Discover App and Light Bible installed. We will donate these phones to trainees who attend our Disciple Making Movements training courses and show them how to use these devices to disciple others and how to share the Bible text and audio via WhatsApp and Bluetooth.

Download on the App Store

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