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DMM Training

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Growing Disciple Making Movements

Discipleship is a journey. Jesus spent three years with his disciples, telling stories, teaching, and sharing life with them. Running a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is fairly easy - we like to think that anyone can do it - but getting the most out of a DBS group and discipling others to seed movements requires a lot more thought. Getting the DNA right from the start is essential. Growing a movement through all its stages is a significant challenge. That is why training and mentoring are an essential part of Disciple Making Movements (DMM).

If you really want to start a Disciple-Making-Movement anywhere in the world and witness God's work as He starts a Church-Planting Movement (CPM) invest in teaching, training and mentoring leaders to obey all of the commands of Christ. Real and lasting DMMs invest heavily in leadership and training. A DMM is causative; a CPM is the result.

Contagious Disciple Making. David Watson


The Discover Network is committed to Discipleship Training. We currently have the capacity to take on a small number of new training groups. The training can be done remotely (for example via a Zoom call) and works best with between three and eight participants. The nine-session course is both fun and challenging. If you would like training and have a small group of others who are ready to commit to obedient discipleship, then please get in contact. Even if we are not able to take you on, we may well be able to find someone who can.

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For people who have been trained and are committed to the DMM/DBS approach, ongoing mentoring is important both to continue learning and also to discuss and address issues as they arise. Our aim is to mentor those who we have trained - or, if appropriate, connect them with another suitable mentor.

Mentoring is the intentional relationship with others that causes all parties involved to grow in discipleship, the process of converting knowledge to wisdom.

Contagious Disciple Making. David Watson

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Disciple Making Movements Resources

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